Dear Partner,
Global IBD, Lda has implemented a Quality Management System (QMS) certified by the ISO 9001 standard.
Part of our QMS is based on our relationships with our suppliers, as they influence the outcome of our performance towards our Clients, which is also subject to evaluation by them.
Therefore, within the scope of our QMS and in a posture of promoting objectivity and transparency with our suppliers, we hereby inform you that our suppliers undergo an annual performance evaluation by the Procurement, Operations Management, and Technical Departments.
The requirements we consider relevant in our supply chain are as follows:
Equipment Suppliers:
Communication in procurement (ease of communication; timely and assertive responses) (15%) Delivery deadlines (ease of communication and compliance with defined delivery deadlines) (30%) % Deviations in delivery (billing errors; material damages upon reception) (20%) Technical Support and Assistance (ease of communication and promptness in resolving technical support requests) (20%) Flexibility (cooperation in case of last-minute changes / problem resolution) (15%)
These requirements are evaluated on a scale of 1 to 3 (Poor to Good).
Service Suppliers:
Ease of communication Cooperation in complaint resolution
These requirements are rated on a scale of 1 to 3 (Poor to Good).
The product obtained from the evaluation of each requirement results in the following qualification in terms of the supplier's equipment or service performance for the year under review:
Equipment Suppliers:
Poor (0; < 2): - The supplier's continuity in our database is evaluated by the Administration. Satisfactory (≥ 2; <2.55): - Request for improvements for systematically considered serious deviations. Good (≥2.55): - Strengthening of the relationship
Service Suppliers:
Poor: (1-2) - The supplier's continuity in our database is evaluated by the Administration. Satisfactory: (3-4) - Request for improvements for systematically considered serious deviations. Good: (6-9) - Strengthening of the relationship
Note: The identified requirements may be subject to unnotified review to adapt to the evolving demands and compliance of our suppliers' performance and the continuous improvement of our QMS.